Summer is over.

Summer training is almost over. As soon as the temperatures cool off it will be the time to get back on roller skis.

Most of my summer training involved early 3-4 miles run and 1/2 of mile ocean swim followed by a 10-15 minute meditation/stretching session.

My meditating spot. Volume up and relax!

This combination provided me with proper relaxation and prepared me for a Parkinson's Disease stress-free day.

One thing I have noticed is my right leg lagging compared to the left. Nothing too severe but it is something to monitor. Same with my right arm. Especially when paddling on my surfboard. In both cases, I have to be conscious and correct the motion and stride/paddle height with extra effort.

Now with the summertime behind and back in the City, it is time to hit the gym. I'm going start doing relaxed weight lifting sessions and balance exercise, emphasizing my right half. 

A Parkinson's Disease colleague recommended Boxing which I might give it a try.

Regardless, Roller skiing will be the main sport activity. Say hello if you are in Central Park while working out.

On a positive note, I got a brand new pair of Roller Skis and some other gear courtesy of Marwe Sport. 

Marwe identified with my cause and shipped from Finland a pair of their high end 590 XC Roller Ski model. I can't wait to try them out. 

I wrote a post on the benefits of Roller Skiing here.

This activity is enlighting and makes me feel brand new and fit. The motion and snow feel are similar to XC skiing. The only difference is falling reminds that you are not on snow.

A self- discovering journey

This Parkinson's Disease Journey is super "exciting." It is a learning and self-discovering lifetime process.

It involves to listen to yourself and to get to know how to tune yourself up mentally and physically.
I have learned to be alert, track, and face everything that makes me feel good/bad such as food, medicine, breathing, state of mind, anxiety, etc.

Not even your doctor can tell you that.

Because the research work The Roberto Carcelen Foundation is engaged on Parkinson's Disease, I have learned a lot. However, I do tons of self-research and contest everything before taking on something. 

Always look for the bright side. We can do more than we think!

roberto carcelen