My Flag

Seattle musicians write a song inspired by the Olympic Story of Peruvian skier Roberto Carcelen.

What was done by Peruvian skier Roberto Carcelen at the last Winter Olympic Games in Sochi 2014 inspired Seattle Hip Hop stars Yirim Seck and Phillip Hines to tell Carcelen's story through a song.

My Flag is the name of the theme that recalls the moment that, despite his painful injuries, Roberto reached the goal of crossing the finish line and respectfully carrying the Peruvian flag in his hands.

"When I met Roberto I realized that he had a vision, a very large one by demonstrating a powerful message of never giving up. All this effort is now reflected in the Foundation Roberto directs "said Seck.

Seck and Hines will include their creation in their repertoire for their upcoming shows and will also donate downloads of this song to The Roberto Carcelen Foundation.

The Roberto Carcelen Foundation provides children in Latin America with overcoming opportunities through education in Computer Science, English proficiency and sports.

"My flag" is available on iTunes or enjoy it here

Yirim Seck: 

roberto carcelen